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Monday, June 6, 2011

Real Beauty

What is real beauty? 
People have their own definition to what 'real beauty' is..
I tried asking a few people their opinion on what real beauty is, to them..
 One friend said his girlfriend meant real beauty to him. Another said, it was his mom who was the real beauty. A music lover said it was music that had all the beauty in the world. Yet another said real beauty lies in the inner self of every soul.
So, clearly, everybody's perspectives differ and beauty can be in any form for anyone. But what is Real Beauty according to me?

To me........Real Beauty, lies in the nature. Nature is beauty. As Dusk arises, 
Descending into the horizon, Sinking silently into the pits of the unknown. The beauty is immense.

The Dissipation of red and amber proves to be the best sight ever. It is a sooty encapsulation. For many,

Viewing the early morning sunrise is PRICELESS! What in this world could be better than that? Oh, what in this wide big world can have more beauty than that?
Nothing can beat nature in beauty. Take a look at some of these simple shots of nature. Every season in a year has its own immense beauty. Every season is enjoyed by all.
To Me..........Real Beauty lies in music..
Music is feast to every ear of music lovers. And who is not one?
Speech, expressions, body language, pronunciation,
Various aspects of communication,
But nothing speaks to the living,
As does the sound of music or singing.

The strings of a guitar have much to say,
Only if you coax it in the right way.

To Me...........Real Beauty is in animals.

Needless to say, what can equal them in real beauty?

To me........ Real Beauty is in every small pleasures of life.
The early amber sun; 

enjoying the Misty air, Cool breeze;

A wake up call from the morning lark; 

Piping coffee after the 32s cleansing;
Newspapers and toast before the day's commencing;
The first bite of an apple;
endless night-talks;
Grey splashed skies,
Endless autumn walks with fingers' entangled;
Sweet ginger ale; 
Smiles on faces of youth and old;
A cold starry night;
Loved ones, mirth and cheer;

To Me..... Real Beauty lies in every soul!
Beauty is in every small pleasure of life. Every aspect of life. Real Beauty is in everything!

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Water Purification.

This is one process by which all chemicals, contaminants, and other undesirable substances are removed from water, most commonly drinking water. Chlorine has been used as an effective disinfectant in drinking water supplies for nearly 100 years. This gives a chance for people to have improved drinking water, yes, but how many of us know the other side of it?
Today, almost every home in cities have water purifiers of various brands. Chlorination again, is done to water to make it fit enough to be drinkable. There are a zillion ways to purify water like boiling, solar distillation etc.. and make it fit for drinkable uses, among which chlorination can be one dangerous method that can harm our health to a vast extent.

Some of the most common effects of chlorine are on the skin like getting it dry, flaky and also premature aging!!!
In fact I also read in an article that nearly 28% of all cancer of the intestines and 18% of all cancer of the bladder were caused by the drinking of chlorinated water. Such can be its effects. It is a highly corrosive, poisonous and also a suffocating gas. This Halogen is compressed to a great extent to produce its liquid form and thus is added to drinking water and other water-forms to destroy bacteria. Sadly, it also destroys our health in the long-run. 

Some of the facts about chlorine that I'd like to discuss are here..
*Chlorine drinking water smells and tastes awful
*Chlorine, when added to water, releases a number of byproducts which are very harmful to your health.
*Some of these by-products could even cause cancer in the long term. In short, chlorine drinking water is not safe for consumption at all. 
* chlorine vaporizes at a much faster rate than water, chlorinated water presents a significant threat to the respiratory system when used for showering.
*Last but not the least, chlorine has even been listed as poison by scientists!!

There are a lot of ways to purify water among which boiling could be one of the best options ever.This is because boiling water kills all the bacteria, germs and other infectants in a very safe manner avoiding usage of chemicals 
and keeping our health very safe. It is a method that can be relied upon, unlike the other methods. Bring the water to its boiling point for a few minutes is worth an effort to be taken for a healthy lifestyle.. as it's rightly said that more than 70% of the health issues that we get are due to the water that we consume, especially when the chlorine content is high. Boiling kills all bacteria and disease causing germs in a much simpler and healthier way. his is a recommended method to be followed by all civilians.
Alternatively, to avoid chlorine's harmful effects, you can use a chlorine filter on your shower, bathtub or tap.
 And if you can't resist a dip in the pool, using a pre-swimming lotion that's specially formulated to block chlorine and protect your skin can also be followed. On the other hand, you can also treat dry skin caused by chlorine by applying a moisturizer or taking an oatmeal bath.There are so many methods to avoid and prevent infections caused by chlorine. When it can have so many effects on the outside, imagine what it can do to our internal organ when consumed everyday!

So, how many of us are aware of all these facts? And how many of us actually look into these issues and spread the awareness?

These are simple everyday activities which most of us ignore not being aware of its level of danger on our health. It is a must that at least urbanized people learn about these and also help in spreading the word to the rural people and fight against the evil of chlorine in water, especially when it is WIDELY used by all of us everyday in our our home-water-purifiers. Passing of words can definitely save at least hundreds of lives! So, let's join hands and fight against the deadly usage of chlorine and save as many lives as we can, also promoting a healthy lifestyle!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


FROM CNN's Jack Cafferty:
In the wake of Japan's deadly earthquake, tsunami and nuclear power plant explosions, we have witnessed the almost indescribable chaos that follows a disaster of this magnitude: loss of life, severe injuries, homelessness, lack of water, food and proper medical care, the physical destruction of towns and cities, and a growing fear of radioactive contamination from power plants that seem beyond anyone's ability to control.
But one heart-wrenching byproduct of disasters like this one has been missing in Japan , and that’s looting and lawlessness.
Looting is something we see after almost every tragedy; for example: last year's earthquakes in Haiti and Chile , the floods in England in 2007, and of course Hurricane Katrina back in 2005. It happens when some people who've seen life as they know it get tossed out the window feel that all morality has been tossed out too. It's survival of the fittest and whatever you can get your hands on is yours, no matter who it belongs to.
But that's not happening in Japan .
Journalist and social commentator Ed West wrote in the UK Telegraph yesterday how struck he was by the Japanese culture throughout this ordeal. He observed how supermarkets cut their prices in the days following the quake and how vending machine owners were giving out free drinks as "people work together to survive." And West was most surprised by the fact that there was no looting.
Many have pointed to the popularity of Japan 's distinctive Buddhist and Shinto religions as well as how the values of conformity and consensus are considered virtues in their culture. That's one explanation, but it probably has something to do with remaining true to your moral code even in the darkest hours.
Here’s my question to you: Why is there no looting in Japan ?
Interested to know which ones made it on air?
Because Japanese culture, unlike all other modern cultures, is based primarily on honor and dignity. Unlike our Katrina disaster, the Japanese don't see this as an opportunity to steal everything in sight. The so-called civilized world can learn much from the stoic Japanese.
Greg in Arkansas :
Two words: National pride. The people of Japan love their country and do what is best for the nation, unlike the United States where we love our country and do what is best for ourselves.
The Japanese are resourceful, innovative and disciplined people with a great sense of national pride. While they also have criminals and felons, it is not quite in comparison to the sleaze balls we have in our streets. It was disgusting to watch these scum bags loot stores in New Orleans during Katrina when they should have helped their fellow citizens in need. While watching the devastation in Japan is heart wrenching, it is so refreshing to see the civility of people within the calamity they are facing.
Larry in Georgetown , Texas :
Jack, I was blessed to visit Japan several years ago on business and was told that if I lost my wallet in downtown Tokyo that the person who found it would make it their mission to return it to me in tact. These people are very gracious and kind.
Sociologists will tell you that the lack of looting is just the result of large numbers of people developing a more orderly society to cope with living in a smaller land mass. Personally, I've always thought it's because they're a more highly evolved race.
It's the Japanese culture - very refined, dignified, disciplined and civilized. We should all learn from them. They're the types of people you help out willingly because you know that they'll make full use of any opportunity to get back on their feet.
I don't really know. It would be easy to say that they are a very homogeneous society and perhaps in a way consider each other family. In any case they are to be applauded.


What is about being vulnerable that makes us step away?

Why is it so hard for us to let ourselves be influenced?

Is it so hard for us to trust another?

Is it the fear of our trust being misplaced?

Or have the demons of a past failure come to haunt us?


We can only influence if we can be influenced..

If we have to touch lives, we have to allow lives to touch us..

Are we putting ourselves out there enough?

Not 'all the time', but 'enough'?

Friday, March 18, 2011

Wish of an Indian

Dear God,
Please  give me strength to pay myincome tax,
  • VAT,
  • CST,
  • service tax,
  • excise duty,
  • customs duty,
  • octroi,
  • TDS,
  • ESI,
  • property tax,
  • stamp duty,
  • CGT,
  • water tax,
  • professional tax,
  • road tax,
  • STT,
  • education cess,
  • wealth tax,
  • TOT,
  • capital gain tax,congestion levy etc  etc. 
Not to forget 
  • hafta,
  • donations,
  • bribes,
  • chanda etc.
If I have some money left after that , please help me to do business.
an Indian

P.S.:-this note is not written by me!!!

A Question and Answer

There was a renowned monastery in a town in which lived the wisest man and His disciples.It was a Thursday.The crowd had gathered to see a disciple pouring out his anger towards his Guru.

The Messiah appeared before His disciple and asked him the reason for his displeasure.

The disciple replied,"Master,it is ok if You come to our houses and eat with us the food served by our spouses out of love and respect for You.But I cannot understand as to why You had gone to the bandit's house yesterday to have dinner with him.That crooked man had murdered the chieftain of this town and will be hanged to death in a day/two."

The Master laughed and asked His disciple to get a mango from the nearest tree.

The disciple picks one and immediately throws it on seeing a worm and then picks a spotless one for the Guru.

The Master asks him as to why he had thrown the 1st mango that he had picked.

The disciple replies humbly,"It was being feasted by a worm,my Master"

The Master replies with a smile,"Then,that my dear friend has solved the puzzle" .

Friends,what do you infer from this???

A day in class

One day in a particular school belonging to some obscure village in India,the maths teacher wanted to test the knowledge and wisdom of his students.All his students prepared really hard for the test.The question papers were distributed to the students.There was only one question surprisingly.The question was:-

1)Please arrive at the answer 1.

Ram wrote 1=1.

John wrote 1+1-1=1.

Ali wrote 10000-9999=1.

Joshua wrote 2-1=1.

Gautama wrote 0+1=1.

Singh wrote 1^2=1.

The teacher gave all of them full marks with a remark....there are infinite ways to get the answer 1,now that you have written an answer which you believe,accept the other ways of answering too!!!